Ludwig Ultimate Traditional Marching
Tenor Drums are made with 8-ply 100% American maple shells that
provide a rich, naturally balanced sound. The Ludwig Ultimate
Marching Tenor Drums are available in both leg tenor and chest tenor
configurations The Ludwig Ultimate Leg Tenor is available in a 12”
x 14” and a 12” x 15” configuration. The Ludwig Ultimate Chest
Tenor is available in a 12” x 16” configuration.
The Ludwig Ultimate Marching Tenors are
USA made in Monroe NC and come with Single 45º bearing edges
with a rounded back cut providing that characteristic Ludwig sound.
Each drum uses case-hardened tension rods, and lightweight aluminum
alloy tension casings.
Ludwig provides you with a 3-year
warranty, giving you the protection you deserve.
This model is available in three
standard cortex finishes: White, Black, and Brushed Silver. These
drums are also available in custom lacquer finishes.